Mixologists in Motion
Premier Mobile Bartending Service


   MixologistsInMotion employees are not just bartenders, we are experienced entertainers and mixologists.  Every MixologistsInMotion bartender/mixologist has an extensive cocktail library and has been trained to entertain as well as properly mix cocktails while practicing alcohol awareness.

   Our services include:

  • Premier MixologistsInMotion Bartender/Mixologist
  • Tools & Equipment
  • Itemized Shopping List
  • Cocktail Menu
  • Portable Bar
  • Online Account
  • Account Representative
  • Quality Customer Service
  • Quality Control
  • Alcohol Awareness
  • 24/7 client support
  • Taxi Service Information

   Services included are determined based on Packages.

   Along with our services, we offer a wide variety of cocktails; from the classics like Martinis, Gin & Tonics, and Manhattans, to the most modern/popular cocktails like a Surfer on Acid or an AMF.  Our cocktail knowledge and entertainment training, ensure that guests have a large cocktail selection to choose from and a memorable MixologistsInMotion experience.


   Simply follow the 4 steps below to begin your MixologistsInMotion experience!

4 simple and easy steps!

  1. Make a Reservation
  2. Receive a confirmation email and/or call
  3. Log in to your account, pay your deposit or total balance, and download your Liquor Shopping List and Cocktail Menu
  4. Wait for the day of your event, pay your remaining balance if you have not already, and have fun!


Make a Reservation today and receive a confirmation email or a MixologistsInMotion representative will contact you to confirm, thank you.



Mixologists in Motion
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Mixologistsinmotion.com is a premier mobile bartending & entertainment company for private and special events.  We service all areas of the United States.

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