Mixologists in Motion
Premier Mobile Bartending Service

Custom Cocktail Menu

With your own custom cocktail menu, guests can enjoy a variety of cocktails tailored specifically to your event. Depending on your package, your Mixologist will create a variety of cocktail recipes, all of which will be displayed during your event. Below are a couple examples...

  • Eagle Glen Golf Club, Corona, Ca.

Fuzzy Arnold Palmer

1 oz. Citrus Vodka
3/4 oz. Peach Schnapps
3 oz.   Lemonade
Float 1 oz. Iced Tea


Happy Gilmule

1 oz.   Maker's Mark Bourbon
3/4 oz. Dry Vermouth
1/2 oz. Simple Syrup or Agave Nectar
2 1/2 oz. Sweet n' Sour
Squeeze of two lemon wedges
Top with Ginger Beer


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Mixologistsinmotion.com is a premier mobile bartending & entertainment company for private and special events.  We service all areas of the United States.

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